Saturday, April 24, 2010

Undies and Stitches

The boys are in the stage of wanting to wear underwear, but still quite unsure about the potty and what to do with it. After an hour of sitting on the toilet and constantly reminding them to tell me when they need to go peepee, they both peed their pants. I think they are a little young because they didn't even understand why their "undies" were wet. I am going to try to keep them interested but go very slowly.

This video is for Auntie Leslie!!

Look at Jordan's eyebrow. He tripped on Wednesday and hit is eye really hard on the coffee table. He sure was a good boy about getting three stitches. Parker is more traumatized by the experience.


breena rae said...

Lisa! I missed your birthday big time, but I love you!!! Hope all is well...and don't worry, Brighton still thinks diapers are the cool thing to wear. I can't wait to see you! We will be HAVE to get together since we'll be in the same state! LOVE YOU!

Tara said...

Such handsome boys!!

I'll be in Utah this summer...let's get together...I miss you!!

SSToone said...

They surely are two cute big boys! Wow! I hope they are being manageable 2 year olds!

The Forbes Family said...

You must be the busiest momma around. Hey a tip that might help--when Carter was potty training I got the Once Upon a Potty movie from the library and he watched that over and over (while sitting on his potty) I really think it helped, but of course every kid is different! Good luck!