Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 25, 2008...January 25, 2009

Happy Happy Football Birthday Parker and Jordan

We had a fun little party for the boys. Everything was football themed. Jordan ate his cake very carefully, making sure to get every crumb. Parker demolished his, and then he threw the cake on the floor. Jordan kept trying to reach for the cake Parker was throwing on the floor. When they were finished eating, I took Jordan's tray off to clean him up. I wasn't worried about him falling out because he was buckled in; however, he leaned forward too hard and he took a nose dive into the floor with the chair following. Thankfully the crash only scared him and he was okay within seconds. They had a lot of fun!!

Our First Major Haircuts!!

I have been dying to cut the boys hair, but Jonathan wouldn't help until right before their first birthday. So here are the results. The front really is even, but in the pictures it doesn't look like it. Jordan went first. The above picture is after he is done and bathed. He is watching his brother.
Parker would not sit still very well. He wanted to know what I was doing.
Jordan was really good about sitting still. Of course with the help of Daddy and all his distractions--bubbles, pretzels, bread, toys, etc.

This is Parker's shag before the cut. Jordan's was worse than this.
What cute jocks I have!!!