Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Beautiful Autumn Day

After a few days of cold, wet weather, we happily welcomed warmer weather. We played outside with the neighbor boys, Max and Wesley.

They always want what the other one has. Even if they have the same thing. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Notice that Parker's crib is backwards. Well, he has decided that he now can get out of his crib. So we turned it around. When he has a poopy diaper he goes to the back corner of the crib and won't let me get him out. Because their toys are right between there cribs we can hear them begin to play around 6:30am. Not fun!!

Parker is in a phase of life when he doesn't like to wear clothing, except new shoes. So most of the day is spent in a diaper unless we are going somewhere. (Thanks Stephanie for the cute flip flops. They fit perfectly right now. I hope they still fit next year.)

1 comment:

Lori Wyatt said...

I'm so happy to see new pics of your cute family! Love the Seven Peaks pictures :) Luv ya, you should move to CO!