Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I really am pathetic!!

I have been the worst blogger! I haven't posted for almost two months. This is a lame excuse but a true one--I kept forgetting to get new batteries for our camera. I can promise that I will be better; however, I do hope to. We have a lot of fun things to do this summer so I will have to take a lot of pictures.

Parker and Jordan are getting so big. They are 16 months; weight 20 lbs; starting to say words such as more, milk, please, up, mama, thank you, dada, and eachother names(of course I am probably the only one that can discern any of these words); love dogs, enjoy each other; blow kiss, kiss, give five, hug, snub people (sorry Auntie Lindsay), flirt, bite, eat with forks and spoons, etc. In a nutshell they are adorable and wonderful.

Life is great. Jonathan enjoys his job. He spends a lot of time working or doing his church responsibilities (President of the young men). He has found a new love--mountain biking.

I am finished teaching dance for the summer except for a two week dance camp I will teach at BYU. I am really looking forward to teaching for this camp. Most of my time is spent on walks with the boys or doing house hold stuff!!

Here a few pictures with hopefully more to come very soon!!!


Tiffany said...

How cute. You have been busy! Love seeing the pictures of the old roommates and their kids too. How fun that you guys get together.

Leslie said...

Their hair so cute! The look so cute when they walk. I really hope you all come over the 4th of July. I miss everyone!