Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Parker helps Mommy cook while Jordan gets fitted for his new helmet

While I make dinner, I often have at least one of them in the kitchen with me. They both love being on the counter and watching what I am doing.
They love to stand up and can do it for a really long time. I don't think they are going to crawl early but they just might walk early.
Fitting Jordan for his next bank robbery. Actually he is being molded for his new helmet. We have been going to physical therapy for three months to fight an imbalance in his neck muscles. The imbalanced caused him to sleep on one side of this head more and now he has a slightly flat spot. We are blessed that our insurance will cover the full $1800 cost. Hopefully he will not have to wear it too long. His neck is all better and soon his head will be perfectly round.

I don't think he is too excited about the helmet.


Leslie said...

Maybe if you stop feeding them sweet potatoes their poop will not look like that. I am so excited to see you a couple of months (I am not doing poop duty though). The boys are the cutest!

tash said...

Oh my goodness your boys are so darling!! I love the picture of them both standing!!?? They look like such big boys!

Cyd said...

Jordan looks like he's wearing a doorag. Is that how you spell it? haha so cute