Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby food

We started the boys on baby food about one and a half weeks ago. For the first week we did sweet potatoes. Parker loves them. He loves anything that we put in his mouth. Jordan is a little skeptical but we will keep trying. This week we are working on peas. Neither little guy is too excited. I love the picture of Jordan with the apple on his chest. They love to gnaw on apple slices. He was looking all around for it.

I am making my own baby food. It is so easy. So far I have made peas, sweet potates, pumpkin, bananas, and yellow squash. I have spent maybe 1-2 hours. I just freeze the food in ice trays and then put them in freezer bags. I am really excited to do others but right now my freezer has quite a few.

1 comment:

Amber Bryce said...

Lisa, your boys are getting so big. I bet Dallen would have a lot of fun with them. The picture of Jordan with the apple on his chest cracks me up!