Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My first Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I got a wonderful nap! We had a yummy dinner of my choice--Nachos.

The boys were weighed last week at the doctor's office. Jordan weighed 11lbs 3 oz and Parker weighed 11 lbs 2 oz. However, I think that Jordan had lost weight because he had been sick because now he is a chunk. He must weigh at least a pound more that little Parker. I am so glad they are all better. They were just so sad and cranky. I like having my smiling babies back.

Jordan, although super smiley, has to go to Physical therapy. He has a tight and weak neck muscle. We have to do exercises and stretches with him.


Heather said...

What cute little boys!! I love them. You are looking so great Lisa! These pictures are always so fun. Congratulations for moving into your Condo! It looks great.

Jen and Beth said...

Your boys are getting so big! They are so adorable. Congrats on all the great stuff happening for you guys, graduation, new job, new house. That's so exciting. We are living in Grantsville. It's about 30 minutes past the airport off of I-80. We are doing ok out here but miss our friends in Provo. I'm glad we can keep up with each other through our blogs.

Oh, and lucky you with the spa certificate. I've always wanted one of those for whatever occasion,(birthday, mother's day, Christmas, new baby...anything) but have yet to get one. Maybe I need to drop bigger hints.=) Have fun using it.

lindsay coudron said...

I'm so glad that you had a wonderful mother's day!!! I love you