Sunday, May 18, 2008

Everyday life is more fun!!

Jonathan got the boys to bed for me on Thursday night so that I could go to the gym. The next morning I found them in these interesting PJ's. Well I guess Jordan couldn't be happier with his mismatched pajamas.

The boys are almost 4 months old. Crazy how fast time flies. We fed them cereal for the first time on Saturday. Here a few pictures and some videos.

We just love having them. I can't explain how fun every moment of my life is. Practically every day I am washing clothing by hand to get poop out, washing bottles, wearing my pajamas until 1pm, etc, etc. but I would never wish anything to be different. I am learning everyday that my life is their lives. I am here on this earth to be their mother and to give of my whole self to take care of them. Being a mother teaches us about who our Savior is and how He has served us. He gave of His life. If I can remember this always, I know I can be better mom and strengthen my testimony of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Before you watch the following videos be prepared to hear me sound really silly.


Laurie said...

I love your boys! They are so cute. Today I had Kate on my lap while checking your blog and she saw their picture and said "Baby. Cooot." (translates to baby, cute.) We love you!

dkkemp said...

Lisa!! hi! you have the cutest boys ever! Dave and I are coming down at the end of June, so we will totally have to get together! We miss you guys so much! Congratulations on your new home!
We love you!


lindsay coudron said...

Ok so those pjs look just like something Jonathan would put on our kiddos:) love it:)