Christmas is Carey, Idaho
We had so much fun in Idaho this year for Christmas. In fact, today at lunch Parker asked if we could go to Papi's house today. Jonathan was extremely happy to get his new road bike; Santa brought me an IPOD for my dance music; and Parker and Jordan were excited about all the fun little things they received. Probably the best part of Christmas was Parker decided to potty train. He just started using the potty and hasn't looked back. Jordan, on the other hand, is "not ready" as he says. He is Parker's biggest fan and cheers him on. But he prefers his diapers.

Uncle K.C. and Uncle Charlie dug out a huge snow cave. I was a little nervous during this picture.

With all the snow chunks that KC and Charlie dug out, Parker and Jordan build a snowball wall.
My College Roommate and Great Friend!!
I was so blessed at college to get to spend 4 years with some of my very best friends. I was so excited to see Elise and her family this year. Our families met for pizza in Salt Lake one night and then Elise was able to come spend the day at our house. The day she came we had the biggest snow storm we have had since I have lived in Utah. I measured 15in. in one night!! The best part was how warm it was. We were able to play outside without getting cold.


Uncle Preston jumped in the snow for a lowsy $1!! I have yet to pay him.

We built this snowman a few days before Elise came. It is amazing how by simply putting two eyes, a nose and mouth on snow, it seems to be real. Parker and Jordan loved seeing it out their bedroom window until the neighbor kids ruined it.

Parker decorating his Christmas cookie.

Jordan is very meticulous about his decorating, yet he didn't eat a single cookie.

Thanksgiving in Idaho
Last year we spent most holidays in Utah so we were able to spend a lot of time with Jonathan's family this holiday season--Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!

This is our cute niece Evelyn. She is 6 weeks younger than the boys.

Olivia is in the pink.

We had our friends over for Family Home Evening to talk about Thanksgiving. I found some cute crafts online that were really easy. I collected the pine cones from a gas station's landscaping. I looked really odd running from tree to tree at a gas station, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy them at the store when they are free in nature. This is Jordan below.

Vinnay, Riyaan, and Rahul.

Parker with his cheesy smile.

Aren't these cute. Super simple and fun! Next year I will be the candy corn at Halloween because I literally went to three stores trying to find it. I guess they clear it out after Halloween.