Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter and more

The boys looked adorable in their Easter outfits; however, they would never look at the camera for a picture. They are learning so many new things every day. The latest is probably Jordan's obsession with the word "up". He loves to say it and always picks it out of a book or a song. Jordan is also signing a few signs. I have only been trying to teach them signs since they were 6 months old. He loves watching the his signing movie. Parker on the other hand, would rather talk, talk, talk. He doesn't really say anything but he is definitely the more vocal of the two.


Elise Smith said...

So cute! It's fun to hear that they're learning to talk. We miss them. Alexa still talks about them and you guys too!

Emalia said...

They do look so cute in those overalls! Gosh it's gotta be expensive buying 2 of everything. I can't believe they're walking :-)

Jordan and Katie said...

very cute and what big boys they are, get to be forward facing. Happy Birthday Lisa.

tash said...

They look so cute and old in their front facing car seats! It's crazy how fast they grow up!?

dkkemp said...

Oh my gosh! They are HUGE! And so dang cute together! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of months!

David and Melanie said...

Lisa, Your boys are adorable! You must be super parents with twins!

Amber Bryce said...

It's so fun to see how big they are getting! I love the pic with the green chair. Cute smile!

Amy said...

I love your family picture! So cute...! Those boys are just adorable!

Kristi said...

What precious boys!