Thursday, February 26, 2009


This post is all about Parker. Today he took his first steps!! Yippie. He didn't just start out with one or two... he took about 6. He just took off. I was in shock. He is also starting to say words. He say mommy, more, car, and dog. He drives me crazy because he loves to spit his water and milk out. He shoves food in his mouth like it is going to run away. We are so lucky to have this cute, little guy. We love you Parker!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We buzzed their hair

I was constantly fighting food and snot in the hair and every time they woke up, their hair needed wet down and combed. So to make things easier... we buzzed them. They look really handsome but now I miss their hair. I will probably let it grow for a while and then cut it again.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just a few fun videos

If you listen carefully at the end you can hear the boys sing by themselves. Ignore Jonathan and my silly voices.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun in our house...because it is too cold to go outside!!

Jonathan found this great dessert for the boys. Ice cream cones don't have any sugar, they create little mess, and the boys love being able to hold them. Notice how they go about eating the cones in completely different ways.

The boys love baked potatoes. Today I put a lot of sour cream and as you can see they loved it. The above picture is after their baths--all cleaned up and handsome.

I just had to take a picture of this naked kid on this toy. He doesn't look like he was having fun, but he really was.

Fun with daddy!!